Thursday, February 26, 2009


For those of you still buried in snow, take heart for Spring is coming!
Dad was excited to take a picture of the daffodils blooming in our yard.
This morning there are several more. Ahhh! It is wonderful to feel the warmth of the sun and see the blue sky and the flowers blooming. Life is good!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Keanon's Big Day

Today we are celebrating Keanon's Birthday #7.
Hooray for Keanon. We love you!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Oldies but Goodies

Today we salute our vivacious and fun loving Aunt Helen. This is really an old picture of her in her youth but still it's Aunt Helen. We had such fun times with her. I associate all the home arts with Aunt Helen. She sewed, she knitted and boy, did she cook. I miss her Koek and whole wheat bread. She was our source of gov't cheese which we appreciated so much. Do you remember her?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Keanon's Funny Faces

Last Sunday night we were entertained by the antics of Keanon. He had us all giggling with his up-side-down silliness.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Three Loves

A funny thing happened the other day, although Dad didn't think it was too funny. We ran into the daughter of our long-time family friends while we were touring a new facility in town. She and I visited while Dad continued the tour. She was surprised to learn that we lived in town now and not out in Dammeron (that's been a while). She said, " I guess I've missed a chapter or two of your life". I said, "that's possible". She said "so are you with this guy now?" (pointing to dad) and I said "yes, I'm with this guy now". She was surprised to find that "this guy" was the same Roland she knew from the past. Well, almost the same.

So I introduce to you my three loves:

Roro, the love of my youth.

Rolando, the father of my children.

And Roland, the guy I am with now and forever.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Missionary example

Grandma Reeder tells us stories of her childhood and how her mom used to gather up all the neighborhood children and take them to church.
Some of their neighbors were also their cousins. This is a photo of those children.
Last night we had the privilege of doing the temple work for some of those family members.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

#1 Grandson

Who can believe that our Christian is 12 already?
This isn't a recent picture but the smile is forever the same.
We love you and are excited for you.
Have a wonderful day!
Love, Grandma and Grandpa

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Party Time!

39! We had a birthday party Saturday to celebrate our many fun years with Paul.

The family gathered for a fun lunch provided by the Aunties. Each family was well represented. Eves, Aikens, Yssels, Lees and Steadmans. It was a tight squeeze for us all but an enjoyable party.