Monday, January 11, 2010

Holiday Happiness

Our holidays are just now drawing to a close as the Cherry's returned to Houston yesterday. We've had a month long celebration starting with Dutch Christmas on Dec 5

Spending time with our grandchildren is the best way to celebrate. Sometimes its just fun to watch them interact with each other.

Here is my challenge - to get a photo of all twenty grandchildren at one time.
We've already decided that it was impossible to get them to hold still so Roland tried taking a video. While they were posing for the video someone got this shot of
all of them.

Aren't all those babies adorable? What a houseful!
I especially wanted this picture at that time before all the upcoming birthdays change their ages. At that point in time they were ages 12-11-10-9-7-7-6-6-5-5-4-3-3-3-2-2-1-1-1 and 8 months.

We are a happy familee!