Monday, September 21, 2015

Capitol Reef 2015

Here a collection of some of our photos from our family trip to Capitol Reef this year.

Fun times - perfect weather - yummy food  - best people.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Family Home Evening Camp Out

You must all be aware that Dad loves this little camper.  We don't use it near enough to please him.
So we decided to go camping in Pine Valley for our Family Home Evening activity.

Dad went off to work Monday morning and I went to run errands and get a few groceries for our campout so I planned  to be ready to  go about 4:00.   My errands didn't take long and as I pulled into the driveway there was Dad and his camper, engine running, ready to go.
"My boss gave me the day off", he said     Who can resist such crazy enthusiasm.  We left at ll:00 am

Even had time for a little fishing.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Happy to me !

 For my birthday we rented the Sand Hollow Aquatic Center and had a swimming party !
 Everyone loves to get wet.  Jana, Sammie and Sarah are enjoying the kiddie pool
 Barbie and Cassie - both with beautiful smiles
 Sam and Cody up the long stairway to the water slide.
 Look !  These two cousins have matching chins.  Eliza and Max

Kade, Keanon and Matty are always fun to have around

 Grandpa Lee posing in the photo booth with Miss Sarah.
We have some hams - you will see them several times.

                          Josh, Sam and Dallin are good sports
                                                          Becca and Hannah
                                             The Cherry Chicks
Lee Family filled the photo booth

                 Maestri Fam above and Simmons Fam below

 Even our cousins came to play. We were excited that the Eves Family would join us
                                          and the Aikens Family too.
Thanks family for a wonderful birthday celebration.  It was extra special because you were all there.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Peace and Beauty

A peaceful morning wandering the trails at Thanksgiving Point during Tulip Time.

I was lucky to have Kelsey, Jennie, Jack, Emilia, Annalee and Sam as my partners this day.

Kelsey matches the tulips.

 Also enjoyed some good times and silliness with Cody and Cassie.