Saturday, August 1, 2009

In trouble now

Grandma always wants to make everyone happy. That was the case this morning.
Joshua and I were up early and had cereal and toast for breakfast and we'd been playing outside for an hour or more before Emma and Ellie woke up. We all stayed outside for a while longer before they decided they were ready for their breakfast.
Jason and Jennie were busy preparing for a big singles festival and their living room
has been the storage point for all kinds of goodies including about 20 giant bags of popcorn.
Emma suggested that we have ice cream for breakfast and I thought that sounded like a great idea. So I scooped up big bowls of chocolate mint ice cream all around and added a bowlful of popcorn to round things out. Everyone ate with great enthusiasm.
When we talked about our not-so-healthy breakfast Ellie said "my mom's going to put you in time out!" Guess I'll be in trouble soon but it sure was fun.

Tonight the girls were demonstrating their tumbling moves and invited me to join them. My excuse for not doing summersaults and hand stands with them was "I'm out of shape" to which Emma replied "well, why don't you get in shape?" Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. Grandma you're the best! :) And as Dr. Seuss says, "Of all the shapes (you) might have been, I say HOORAY for the shape (you're) in!"
