Sunday, October 23, 2011

shoot quick

We've been here, there and everywhere the last few weeks. Some weeks we can say that we've seen all of our Utah grandchildren.
Just after Christmas we got together for a few days of peace and quiet and good food in Annabella.
Catching 19 grandkids and getting them to pose for a photo is a major challenge - but this time they were all very co-operative
This isn't all pretty and proper like Sarah's kids when they pose or all cute and lined up nicely like Jon's puppies pose - but these are 19 of our grandchildren and they make me smile.

Getting the four Cherry children to pose is quite a feat too. Here's our best effort from our visit at Thanksgiving.
Add these 4 to the other 19 and you have all of the current Lee Family grandchildren. THEY ARE THE GREATEST!