Thursday, March 10, 2011

Grandma's circus

In our travels the last few weeks we have been visited by some cute kids. Jana and family came to find us in our hotel in Dallas. We took a ride on the train at got off at just the right spot - the KrispyKreme donut store. They were melt-in-your-mouth delicious and this cute face behind the donut belongs to Ally.

Trying to entertain guests in the hotel was tricky. I think their favorite was riding on the escalator. But we promised that we could go for a swim in the pool.
The kids jumped right in but Jana and I were very surprised by the cold water when we tried to join them. I think we were a little early for swimming this year.

Between trips we had a fun overnight visit from Max and Brianna and Jon. The weather was lovely - we had a fun time at the Town Square playing in the water. It was really warm enough in St. George even though they left lots of snow at home.

We had an assignment to find new pajamas for Bri and Max. They didn't want to wait for night time to try them on.

We made a quick unexpected bus trip to California with the Art guys. We saw every picture in every art museum. But we did stop for a short visit at the beach. That was the most heavenly part of the whole trip for me.

1 comment:

  1. "Evvvvery bleepin' picture..." ;) we love you gram! From one coast to another you are a great sport.
