Friday, September 9, 2011


Early this year we planted in our cute little grow boxes and we were so pleased with our harvest. We had yellow squash, zuccinni, swiss chard and our favorite was the potatoes. Our cucumbers didn't do well and our tomatoes had beautiful plants and not much fruit. Still we were happy with our efforts.
The Eves' planted later in the year and as always have a great garden with quality green beans, peppers and tomatoes, which we are always excited to partake of.

On Labor Day weekend we were at Clear Creek visiting and Jon was cooking up some squash. He hollered to Brianna to run to the garden and get him a few green peppers and some other kind of peppers. I went along to be her helper. Wow! Holy smoke! The garden was huge and there were vegetables ready to pick in every direction. Tomatoes, peppers, all kinds of peppers, corn, and potatoes. But this was only Garden #1 - we hadn't even noticed the other garden.
Jon says "don't come to my garden with out a grocery bag" so I hurried off to find a bag to fill. Jon is showing Jennie a watermelon. The garden had cantaloupe, yellow squash, banana squash, acorn squash and miles of pumpkins.
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Max and Ellie are showing me where to find the cherry tomatoes
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Josh found a pumpkin just the size he is
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Max found a giant pumpkin. Wow! what a pumpkin patch!

Some extra fun activities we enjoyed that weekend - Max and Ellie at the cabin swing - Jason and Josh rowing on the pond

Don't be discouraged all you garden growers - Jon always likes to do things in a BIG way!

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